Folktales from Around the World, Vol. I & II
Folktales endure generation after generation because, although they are not literal, they resound in truths on a human scale. Even while they entertain, folktales are vessels of wisdom and wonder. The tales in this collection are gems of the genre. They have a "long ago and far away" quality. Listeners are invited to suspend the logic of ordinary reality and leap into an imaginative world where impossible events can occur. This double album of sixteen multicultural tales is retold in Heather Forest's unique minstrel style of storytelling. The story selections are drawn from her award- winning book anthologies "Wonder Tales from Around the World" and "Wisdom Tales from Around the World."
About the Stories
Volume One
The Pedlar of Swaffham is based on a folktale from England.
The Golden Touch is based on a folktale from Ancient Greece.
The Sealskin is based on a folktale from Iceland.
The Boy Who Drew Cats is based on a folktale from Japan.
Talk! Talk! is based on a folktale from West Africa.
The Contest Between Wisdom and Luck is based on a Jewish folktale from Eastern Europe.
Volume Two
The Dancing Lass of Anglesey is based on Child Ballad #220 from Scotland
Feathers is based on a Jewish folktale from Eastern Europe.
The Magic Brocade is based on a fairytale from China.
Paca and Beetle is based on a folktale from Brazil.
Feeding His Clothes is based on a Sufi Story from the Middle East.
Giving the Moon is based on a Zen story from Japan.
The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal is based on a folktale from India
Drakestail is based on a folktale from France.
The Red and Blue Coat is based on a folktale from the Congo.
Ode to 398.2 is a song celebrating the Dewey Decimal System number for folktales.

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