Story Arts Online
Awards and Reviews

Story Arts Online Awards
- Library Spot Spotlight Award: Dec. 1999
- Education Planet Top Sites of the Week: Sept. 1999
- KidBibs SuperSites! for Teachers: Aug. 1999
- The Scout Report Selection Jan. 8, 1999
- Sighting Award, Project Cool Jan. 8, 1999
- Best of the Web- Excellence Award- The School Page
- This Month's Hot Sites for Teachers: Nov. 1998 - The School Page
- Silver Award: B.O.L.I (Best of Long Island)
Educational Links of Note
The following educational sites are among those that have included Story Arts Online as a selected resource:
- The English Teachers Guide to the Internet
- Yale University Library: Selected Internet Resources: Education
- National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance
- International Association of School Librarians
- The Newark Public Library: Reader's Den
- California Library Media Teacher:Online Resources
- Internet School Library Media Center -James Madison University, Virginia
- Malaspina University-Education Department, California
- Lake George Board of Education , New York
- The Education Resource Center , Levin Library, Curry College, Mass.
- Capitol Community Technical College: Educational Resources
- Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Literature & Language Arts
Story Arts Online Web Reviews
March 1999 issue of Electronic School.
copyright © 1999, National School Boards Association.
"The human mind is hard-wired to respond to a good story. To help put that
motivational power to use in the classroom, check out the Story Arts Online
site, which offers advice and resources for aspiring yarn-spinners. Created
by storyteller and author Heather Forest, the site provides information on
selecting and retelling stories for educational benefit. You'll find a
variety of folk tales and fables in the story library, as well as lesson
plans and activities, advice on using storytelling to explore cultural
roots, and rubrics to use for assessing listening and speaking skills in
the classroom."
Charles Bowen with The Internet News (March 25, 1999)
"What do good writers, actors, teachers and parents all have in common?
They're all great storytellers. And being able to draw listeners into a
story is a skill you can learn. On the Internet. I'm Charles Bowen with the
Internet News. Today's report: Story Arts Online. Heather Forest is
director of the non-profit Story Arts of Huntington, New York, and she
established this site to explore the rudiments of telling a story. Come
here to learn ways to hone your own yarn-spinning skills and even to find
stories to tell. And if you are a teacher, check out the Lesson Plans and
Activities section for ways you can include stories in your own classroom."
Scout Report (Jan. 8, 1999)
"Heather Forest, storyteller and director of the non-profit Story Arts of
Huntington, New York, divulges the methods of her trade at this refreshing,
well-conceived site that is funded by a Bell Atlantic Foundation grant.
Students, teachers, librarians, parents, and other storytellers can explore
the rudiments of telling a story, learn some ways to practice storytelling
such as retelling folktales and collecting family stories, and refer to the
concise archive of stories summarized by Forest including stories from
around the world and 26 of Aesop's fables. The Lesson Plans and Activities
section outlines specific ways for teachers to include storytelling in
their curriculum; they can also contribute their own plans and activity
ideas to the Curriculum Ideas Exchange. The Storytelling Books and Tapes
and the Links sections point visitors to additional storytelling resources.
[JR] "
"Here's a site devoted to helping educators improve their storytelling
skills. There are many pages of resources, including ideas for storytelling
occasions and festivals, specific story sites, and lots of other good
stuff. Check this one out if you read to your students!"
Education Minnesota, Online
"Storytelling can be used across disciplines to teach your students. At
this site you can view the Curriculum Ideas Exchange, lesson plans and
activities, and the story library. Find out why this ancient art is still a
valid way of sharing knowledge today".
Heartland Story League, Chicago, Ill
"A truly phenomenal site -- replete with Stories to Tell, Lesson Plans to
Teach and Links to Surf."
Prince Charles Education Resource Centre
The Winnipeg School Division No. 1
"Including topics such as "Storytelling in the Classroom", "Lesson Plans
and Activities" and a story library, this site is a great resource for
teachers interested in storytelling."
The Long Islander News, New York
Jan. 21, 1999
"From Campfire to the Internet...
Kim Foglia and Heather Forest are responsible for creating a Web site,
Story Arts Online, that brings the ancient art of storytelling from the
campfire to the Internet -- and offering a opportunity for educators to
utilize the ideas behind the art of storytelling to teach language arts to
students across the country."
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